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sonder SOLUTIONS' updates on the Coronavirus COVID-19

At sonder SOLUTIONS, the safety and wellbeing of our employees, business partners, participants and students and their families are our top priority. We are closely monitoring the situation through trustworthy sources such as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the California Department of Public Health, and Sacramento County Department of Health Services.


On March 3, sonder SOLUTIONS sent out an email communication to participants providing a Coronavirus (COVID-19) update and information. We are encouraging employees to avoid business gatherings of 50 or more people, to use video and/or tele conferencing to conduct meetings, and to work from home if practical and approved by management.


Employees who work directly with Participants and/or Students are encouraged to review hand washing techniques and other best practices in personal hygiene with participants and students who need assistance.


If employees need to see a healthcare provider for non-urgent care or advice, we encourage you to use your provider's telehealth options — advice nurse, doctors’ appointments conducted over the phone, email, or video that do not require an in-person visit.


Click on the links below to read the latest sonder SOLUTIONS communications:


COVID-19 Fact Sheet


Vocational Rehabilitation Services and Student Services Work Experience Staff Update (March 15, 2020)


Communication Update (March 11, 2020)


Participant Communication Update and Information (March 3, 2020)




Empowering disadvantaged individuals and underserved populations with whole person employment and workforce development services designed to promote self-sufficiency and independence--by removing barriers, creating opportunities, and helping job seekers build careers in their communities


Phone: 916-249-0203

Tax ID: 81-2617041

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